Our Society sponsors a variety of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to support our members who have interests in special genealogical topics. These groups generally meet once a month from September through May (no sessions during the summer).These meetings are interactive allowing opportunities for questions, discussions, and sharing of information.
New Special Interest Group
Hands-on DNA Special Interest Group
DNA testing is a complex, technical and powerful tool for genealogists, adding to paper records with the genetic information written in our cells. DNA testing is complementary to paper records and together a more complete picture of family history can be created. This SIG will start with the basics through the experience of its leader, Mike Day. Mike is a former teacher and technologist who brings a decade of experience as a user of DNA testing services and a career of understanding technologies. This SIG will start as an “Over the shoulder session in a meeting room and will be structured to cover the topics of the members who attend. Mike has tested with many testing services and has experience with Chromosome mapping, Y-DNA testing and contacting people who are DNA relatives. The SIG will be held on the fourth Friday of the month starting at 9:00am.
Meeting location: La Posada Recreation Center, Bldg. #37, 685 S. La Posada Circle. Contact Mike via email at
New Special Interest Group
Let's Talk Genealogy
Genealogy can be confusing. Sometimes, you just need to be with some friends to talk about a research problem. Maybe you want to share a breakthrough you have been working on for years. That's the purpose of "Let's Talk Genealogy" – friends talking about genealogy and family history. Future meetings will be announced soon.
Current SIGs include:
• Storytellers – Writing Family Stories: don't let your stories or research get lost in time! Write stories to share with family and future generations.
• FamilyTree Maker: a user's group helping genealogists at all levels on how to best use this software.
• Beginner's Genealogy: this SIG covers all the basics on how to get started.
SIGs in search of a SIG Leader:
We have several SIGs listed below that are no longer active because they need a leader. If you're interested in becoming a SIG Leader, or have a suggestion for a new group, contact our Education Director at
• RootsMagic
• Legacy Software
• Irish
• German
• Mayflower Descendants
• Genealogical Records of the States
• Genealogical Resources & Research of the World