Southern Arizona Genealogy Society
State of Arizona
Land acquired through the 1854 Gadsden Purchase, between the United States and Mexico, defined the southern most portion of Arizona.
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Family Tree Maker 2024 – SPECIAL EVENT
Thursday, February 20
Family Tree Maker 2024 – SPECIAL EVENT  (Education)
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
La Posada, 635 S. Park Centre Ave. – La Perla, El Dorado Room
Get all the news and info on the upcoming release of Family Tree Maker 2024 software!
Mark Olsen and Duff Wilson, Family Tree Maker Ambassadors, will be hosting and presenting an in-person session about the upcoming release of FTM 2024. This session is open to the general public and to all users of FTM regardless of what version you may be using. This is a great opportunty to see first-hand the new features of the software and to ask any questions you may have about FTM.
* Make Your Reservation:  this is a free event but you need to make a seat reservation through EventBright to reserve your spot – click HERE.
* Meeting Location Info:
Click HERE for location & driving map.

Thursday, February 27
Beginner's Genealogy Group  (Education)
3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Hybrid Meeting: Green Valley Genealogy Library, & via Zoom
We all have to start someplace and when we do, it is very helpful to have some help. This group is designed to be just that – a support group to provide you with some direction and tips for your research. This group is open to non-members as well as current SAGS members – for more information, and to receive the Zoom meeting link, contact Jon Otto, Group Leader, at
In-person meeting location: Green Valley Genealogy Library, 665 S. Park Centre Ave., Green Valley, AZ 
If you are not a SAGS member but would like to join, click HERE for more information.

Friday, February 28
DNA Special Interest Group  (SIGs)
9:00 am
LaPosada Recreation Center, 685 S. LaPosada Circle, Bldg. #37, Green Valley, AZ
This SIG will start with the basics through the experience of its leader, Mike Day. Mike is a former teacher and technologist who brings a decade of experience as a user of DNA testing services and a career of understanding technologies. If you have any questions or would like more information, contact Mike Day at

Tuesday, March 11
Storytellers: Writing Family Stories  (Classes)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Friends in Deed, Room D, 301 E. Camino Casa Verde, Green Valley, AZ
Don't let your family stories or research get lost in time! Write stories to share with family and future generations.
This class is for SAGS members who enjoy writing the stories of their ancestors to share with family members and to pass to future generations. It is not a research, grammar, or punctuation class. There are assignments, in-class writing prompts, and time to share stories. We use pen/pencil and paper – no electronic writing devices. The class is limited to 15 and there is a reasonable commitment to attend each class, as others depend on your participation. This is not a drop-in SIG; you must register in advance to join the class. If you are interested, please contact Becky McCreary:
Class Facilitator:  Becky McCreary
If you are not a SAGS member but would like to join, click HERE for more information.

FamilyTree Maker SIG
Wednesday, March 12
FamilyTree Maker SIG  (SIGs)
9:30 am to 11:30 am
Explore the features of FTM with a hands-on approach!
An email with the ZOOM meeting link will be sent out approximately 5 days prior to the meeting to those on the group email list.  To have your name added to the group list, send an email to
SIG Leader:  Karen Feeney
If you are not a SAGS member but would like to join, click HERE for more information.

SAGS Monthly Meeting
Thursday, March 20
SAGS Monthly Meeting  (Monthly Meetings)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Hybrid Meeting – attend in-person or via Zoom -- Open to the Public
MAIN PROGRAM: A Closer Look at the 1850-1950 U.S. Census
Take a closer look at the 1850 to 1950 U.S. Census records as vital genealogy resources, while looking into details you may have missed, along with benefits to and tips in using these records!
SPEAKER:  Diane Henriks
Diane Henriks, also known as the "Descendant Detective" and founder of "Know Who Wears the Genes in Your Family", is a passionate and seasoned Los Angeles County-based professional genealogist, investigator, speaker, and author who specializes in descendancy and brick wall research, along with living people research and unknown parentag. Diane has worked closely with private investigators to find living people while also assisting in background investigations, in both civil and criminal cases. She is a proud member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, the Genealogical Speakers Guild, the Southern California Genealogical Society, and the Utah Genealogical Association. What started out as a small hobby well over a decade ago, when a hand-drawn family tree chart was given to her by her father, has since become a great obsession, and she now helps others discover and preserve who they are and where they came from!
Program details coming.
* Meeting Location Info:
You can attend in-person at the La Posada Recreation Center, 685 S. La Posada Circle, Bldg. #37, Green Valley, AZ (click HERE for location & driving map) or attend via Zoom using the link below.
* Zoom Meeting Link

Thursday, March 27
Beginner's Genealogy Group  (Education)
3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Hybrid Meeting: Green Valley Genealogy Library, & via Zoom
We all have to start someplace and when we do, it is very helpful to have some help. This group is designed to be just that – a support group to provide you with some direction and tips for your research. This group is open to non-members as well as current SAGS members – for more information, and to receive the Zoom meeting link, contact Jon Otto, Group Leader, at
In-person meeting location: Green Valley Genealogy Library, 665 S. Park Centre Ave., Green Valley, AZ 
If you are not a SAGS member but would like to join, click HERE for more information.

Friday, March 28
DNA Special Interest Group  (SIGs)
9:00 am
LaPosada Recreation Center, 685 S. LaPosada Circle, Bldg. #37, Green Valley, AZ
This SIG will start with the basics through the experience of its leader, Mike Day. Mike is a former teacher and technologist who brings a decade of experience as a user of DNA testing services and a career of understanding technologies. If you have any questions or would like more information, contact Mike Day at

Arizona Genealogy Day 2024
Saturday, March 29
Arizona Genealogy Day 2024  (Conferences: Regional)
8:30 am to 3:00 pm
Join the Arizona Genealogical Advisory Board and the Arizona State Library, Archives & Public Records for their annual FREE Arizona Genealogy Day event!
Speakers & Topics:
  • Curt Witcher – Beyond Hatched, Matched, and Dispatched: Methods for Finding Our Families' Stories
  • Susan Weinberg – Unraveling the Puzzle: Finding the Thread
  • Mckell Keeney – Fresh Eyes on Your DN: Exploring Essentials
  • Emma Stoltenberg & Yahm Levin – City Directories: Step in the Right  Direction
  • Amy Urman – AI Tools for Genealogy
Registration is now open – click HERE to register and to get more details.

Tuesday, April 8
Storytellers: Writing Family Stories  (Classes)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Friends in Deed, Room D, 301 E. Camino Casa Verde, Green Valley, AZ
Don't let your family stories or research get lost in time! Write stories to share with family and future generations.
This class is for SAGS members who enjoy writing the stories of their ancestors to share with family members and to pass to future generations. It is not a research, grammar, or punctuation class. There are assignments, in-class writing prompts, and time to share stories. We use pen/pencil and paper – no electronic writing devices. The class is limited to 15 and there is a reasonable commitment to attend each class, as others depend on your participation. This is not a drop-in SIG; you must register in advance to join the class. If you are interested, please contact Becky McCreary:
Class Facilitator:  Becky McCreary
If you are not a SAGS member but would like to join, click HERE for more information.

Thursday, April 17
SAGS Monthly Meeting  (Monthly Meetings)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Hybrid Meeting – attend in-person or via Zoom -- Open to the Public
MAIN PROGRAM: Member Stories
Program details coming. 
SPEAKER:  Jon Otto, Ed Storey, Deb Kabinier & more
Speaker info coming. 
* Meeting Location Info:
You can attend in-person at the La Posada Recreation Center, 685 S. La Posada Circle, Bldg. #37, Green Valley, AZ (click HERE for location & driving map) or attend via Zoom using the link below.
* Zoom Meeting Link

Thursday, April 24
Beginner's Genealogy Group  (Education)
3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Hybrid Meeting: Green Valley Genealogy Library, & via Zoom
We all have to start someplace and when we do, it is very helpful to have some help. This group is designed to be just that – a support group to provide you with some direction and tips for your research. This group is open to non-members as well as current SAGS members – for more information, and to receive the Zoom meeting link, contact Jon Otto, Group Leader, at
In-person meeting location: Green Valley Genealogy Library, 665 S. Park Centre Ave., Green Valley, AZ 
If you are not a SAGS member but would like to join, click HERE for more information.

Friday, April 25
DNA Special Interest Group  (SIGs)
9:00 am
LaPosada Recreation Center, 685 S. LaPosada Circle, Bldg. #37, Green Valley, AZ
This SIG will start with the basics through the experience of its leader, Mike Day. Mike is a former teacher and technologist who brings a decade of experience as a user of DNA testing services and a career of understanding technologies. If you have any questions or would like more information, contact Mike Day at

Tuesday, May 13
Storytellers: Writing Family Stories  (Classes)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Friends in Deed, Room D, 301 E. Camino Casa Verde, Green Valley, AZ
Don't let your family stories or research get lost in time! Write stories to share with family and future generations.
This class is for SAGS members who enjoy writing the stories of their ancestors to share with family members and to pass to future generations. It is not a research, grammar, or punctuation class. There are assignments, in-class writing prompts, and time to share stories. We use pen/pencil and paper – no electronic writing devices. The class is limited to 15 and there is a reasonable commitment to attend each class, as others depend on your participation. This is not a drop-in SIG; you must register in advance to join the class. If you are interested, please contact Becky McCreary:
Class Facilitator:  Becky McCreary
If you are not a SAGS member but would like to join, click HERE for more information.

Thursday, May 15
SAGS Monthly Meeting  (Monthly Meetings)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Hybrid Meeting – attend in-person or via Zoom -- Open to the Public
MAIN PROGRAM: A Sterling Life: John Danz, Seattle Theatre Pioneer and a Grandson's Journey
Program details coming. 
SPEAKER:  Mark Hester, QC Author
Speaker info coming. 
SHORT PROGRAM: Cuban Missile Crisis
Speaker:  Chris Arundell.  Program details coming.
* Meeting Location Info:
You can attend in-person at the La Posada Recreation Center, 685 S. La Posada Circle, Bldg. #37, Green Valley, AZ (click HERE for location & driving map) or attend via Zoom using the link below.
* Zoom Meeting Link

Thursday, May 22
Beginner's Genealogy Group  (Education)
3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Hybrid Meeting: Green Valley Genealogy Library, & via Zoom
We all have to start someplace and when we do, it is very helpful to have some help. This group is designed to be just that – a support group to provide you with some direction and tips for your research. This group is open to non-members as well as current SAGS members – for more information, and to receive the Zoom meeting link, contact Jon Otto, Group Leader, at
In-person meeting location: Green Valley Genealogy Library, 665 S. Park Centre Ave., Green Valley, AZ 
If you are not a SAGS member but would like to join, click HERE for more information.

Friday, May 23
Storytellers: Writing Family Stories  (Classes)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Friends in Deed, Room D, 301 E. Camino Casa Verde, Green Valley, AZ
Don't let your family stories or research get lost in time! Write stories to share with family and future generations.
This class is for SAGS members who enjoy writing the stories of their ancestors to share with family members and to pass to future generations. It is not a research, grammar, or punctuation class. There are assignments, in-class writing prompts, and time to share stories. We use pen/pencil and paper – no electronic writing devices. The class is limited to 15 and there is a reasonable commitment to attend each class, as others depend on your participation. This is not a drop-in SIG; you must register in advance to join the class. If you are interested, please contact Becky McCreary:
Class Facilitator:  Becky McCreary
If you are not a SAGS member but would like to join, click HERE for more information.

Thursday, June 26
Beginner's Genealogy Group  (Education)
3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Hybrid Meeting: Green Valley Genealogy Library, & via Zoom
We all have to start someplace and when we do, it is very helpful to have some help. This group is designed to be just that – a support group to provide you with some direction and tips for your research. This group is open to non-members as well as current SAGS members – for more information, and to receive the Zoom meeting link, contact Jon Otto, Group Leader, at
In-person meeting location: Green Valley Genealogy Library, 665 S. Park Centre Ave., Green Valley, AZ 
If you are not a SAGS member but would like to join, click HERE for more information.

Thursday, July 24
Beginner's Genealogy Group  (Education)
3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Hybrid Meeting: Green Valley Genealogy Library, & via Zoom
We all have to start someplace and when we do, it is very helpful to have some help. This group is designed to be just that – a support group to provide you with some direction and tips for your research. This group is open to non-members as well as current SAGS members – for more information, and to receive the Zoom meeting link, contact Jon Otto, Group Leader, at
In-person meeting location: Green Valley Genealogy Library, 665 S. Park Centre Ave., Green Valley, AZ 
If you are not a SAGS member but would like to join, click HERE for more information.

Thursday, August 28
Beginner's Genealogy Group  (Education)
3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Hybrid Meeting: Green Valley Genealogy Library, & via Zoom
We all have to start someplace and when we do, it is very helpful to have some help. This group is designed to be just that – a support group to provide you with some direction and tips for your research. This group is open to non-members as well as current SAGS members – for more information, and to receive the Zoom meeting link, contact Jon Otto, Group Leader, at
In-person meeting location: Green Valley Genealogy Library, 665 S. Park Centre Ave., Green Valley, AZ 
If you are not a SAGS member but would like to join, click HERE for more information.

Thursday, September 25
Beginner's Genealogy Group  (Education)
3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Hybrid Meeting: Green Valley Genealogy Library, & via Zoom
We all have to start someplace and when we do, it is very helpful to have some help. This group is designed to be just that – a support group to provide you with some direction and tips for your research. This group is open to non-members as well as current SAGS members – for more information, and to receive the Zoom meeting link, contact Jon Otto, Group Leader, at
In-person meeting location: Green Valley Genealogy Library, 665 S. Park Centre Ave., Green Valley, AZ 
If you are not a SAGS member but would like to join, click HERE for more information.

Thursday, October 23
Beginner's Genealogy Group  (Education)
3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Hybrid Meeting: Green Valley Genealogy Library, & via Zoom
We all have to start someplace and when we do, it is very helpful to have some help. This group is designed to be just that – a support group to provide you with some direction and tips for your research. This group is open to non-members as well as current SAGS members – for more information, and to receive the Zoom meeting link, contact Jon Otto, Group Leader, at
In-person meeting location: Green Valley Genealogy Library, 665 S. Park Centre Ave., Green Valley, AZ 
If you are not a SAGS member but would like to join, click HERE for more information.